There was a guy today standing behind me in Starbucks (the very first starbucks, mind you) and said, "sprichst du Deutsch". I guess I just have the look of a German (hope its not the stuffy german look heha)? It was sweet, because you know he just wanted to start conversation, needed someone to talk to, needed a friend. You hurt for them because you know that is who he goes to for comfort, 'strangers.' Even if most don't go to unfamiliar faces for comfort, we all feel at one point of time like are closest 'bud' is the stranger.
(Kind of depressing, but if I write and reread it makes me feel better to write down my thoughts and many maybe can relate)


Christina said...

i love your outfit here. feel bad for that man... :(

Unknown said...

This is a really chic, simple and effective outfit. Sometimes when elderly people start talking to me on the bus or at a line and they can't stop talking, I feel a combo of being annoyed that they talk so much and pity that they don't have anyone to talk to!

ediot said...

of course id love that. i love your blog too!
great outfit

AlixRose said...

Hey you, you will be a bonafide seattlelite in no time. I love the pictures in this post. I was at Pike's last week, the colors there are so captivating.

erikas said...

Aww poor guy:)Cool picture honey!

Anonymous said...

I've had the similar experience with the German guy.
There was a woman who only spoke german sitting next to me on the bus. She had a question about the bus route, and I was able to help her. It sounded like she really needed someone to talk to.
I really like your outfit!

The Beached Blonde said...

wow thank you for feeling that way i wish more people felt that way, instead we ususally expect the worst and get creeped out but its nice to try and view it that way